Monday, May 12, 2008

A Natural First Review

While the desire for this site stems from the value I perceive in several other products, which I will review in short order, it is only fitting that the inaugural review cover a series of products I have been immensely satisfied with and are more than worth their price-which happen to be free. I'm talking about all the widgets, bits and bobs that enhance the reader's experience while at this site and yes, Blogger, itself. Say what you will about blogger, but I set up a no-frills website in less than 2 minutes. It functions, it has a fair set of bells and whistles, emails me my comments, and allows me to post via email, so as to minimize my impact on my employers resources and not break any corporate IT rules. It's free, it works and provides exactly what I want, staying functional 99.999% of the time-which is more than I can say about any computer I've ever used to create, post to, comment on, or read a site. Enough said.

Next, the LAST.FM widgets just to the right. I need to listen to music all the time, I have an extensive collection and enjoy passing on music I love. offers several ways to do this for anyone with a website. The widgets have worked flawlessly for me, they come in black (my favorite color-can you tell?) and they too, are FREE. Again, enough said.

Finally, for those with a personal, or commercial website, there are untold numbers of statcounters available to track your web statistics and those pesky trolls;) They all have a few unique features it seems, but I have stuck with one since creating my first website about 2 1/2 years ago. While there may be something better out there, having never "shopped around", I have always been very pleased with's service. It has worked flawlessly for me, providing exactly what I need at the right price-free. Finally, one more time...enough said.

And that wraps up my first ever pirate product review. Hope you enjoy the site, the reviews and of course, the free music;)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh goodie. When does the review for Best Fucking Buy come out? I can't wait!